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Social Communication



Chairman: Rt. Rev. Bernadine Mfumbusa, Bishop of Kondoa

Vice Chairman: Rt. Rev. Rogath Kimaryo, Bishop of Same

Executive Secretary: 




The social Communications Department of Tanzania Episcopal Confrerence coordinates the Church Mission of evangelization through the use of the media. It acts as a liaison office with other organizations in the media and disseminates about the church activities.


Currently the Bishop Incharge of the Department is Rt.Rev. Bernadine Mfumbusa of Kondoa Diocese, while the daily duties are carried on by the Executive Secretary of the Department. Currently Fr. Anatoly Salawa hold the office.



The Department is answerable to the TEC Secretary General on all matters concerning the implementation of day-to-day schedule of work as stipulated in the aims and objectives in conformity with the Statutes of Tanzania Episcopal Conference.


3.0 Vision

To be an authentic and effective instrument of promoting the Catholic Church in Tanzania and its activities for the good of Christian, social and human values through the means of Social Communications at the national and international level.



To work jointly with other Departments and Units of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) on behalf of Christ`s faithful in view of promoting that greater good which the Church offers to all people especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of our time and country by the use of traditional and new means of communication.


4.1 Responsibilities of the Department

Among many other activities the department deals with the coordinating of all the matters concerning communications under the auspices of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

4.1.1 Coordinating all the matters concerning communications under the auspices of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

4.1.2 Advice the General Secretariat matters related to the advancement in science and technology in communications and their importance in deeper evangelization.

4.1.3 To develop, supervise, and coordinate the sustainable development of the church Communications media through the General Secretariat.

4.1.4 Regularly paying visits to all the dioceses in Tanzania and have some on-the-spot familiarization of the Diocesan Communications activities

eg. The Media, Seminars, Workshops etc.






5.1 Administrative office of Executive Secretary

5.2 Broadcasting (Radio and Television)

5.3 Press Secretary

5.4 Catholic Publishers

5.5 Audio Visual

5.6 Departmental Secretary

5.7 Telecommunications System

5.8 TMP Printing and Book Departments.


NB: Currently St. Augustine University of Tanzania has been entrusted to the responsibility of Catholic Publishers Limited (CPL) management under which Mr.Peter Mataba, the Chief Editor and Mary V. Kafyome were nominated by the Vice Chancellor to engineer the day to day activities.






6.1 Fr. Anotoly Salawa is the Executive Secretary. who also observes the authenticity of Kiongozi6.2 Ms. Upendo David is the administrative Assistant in the Social Communication Office and Lay Apostolate.




7.1 The Social Communications Department works hand in hand with other departments on all issues particularly through consultative departmental meetings held weekly under the chairmanship of the Secretary General. Indeed, all the departments are entrusted and hold collective responsibility as a General Secretariat of the Conferennce.


7.2 Coordination with the Diocesan Communicators in Tanzania


7.3 The Social Communications Department is also in good working relationship with the Religious Superiors` Association of Tanzania (RSAT)and the Religious Women Superiors` Association of Tanzania (TCAS) in the effort of promoting Missionary Awareness.


7.4 Along with it is the Pastoral Commission of Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS).





Is a Catholic Company that has been registered by the government, with the registration number 4978 as a property of Tanzania Episcopal Conference. It focuses mainly on the production of the Newspaper known as KIONGOZI.


1.1. Vision:

Recognizing the immense power of the Media in promotion of integral Evangelization and awareness of the Social responsibilities placed upon all Catholics, CPL envision as Church living the gospel values of faith, hope and charity with special love for the marginalized, and acting as a catalyst towards the full realization of God’s Kingdom.


1.2. Mission:

Catholic Publishers dedication is to inform, educate, and defend and above all to spread authentic Catholic Faith through publications. In other words, the company carries the mission of the Church by means of printed material.


1.3. Values: Christ the perfect communicator is our model.

  • Honesty, openness and integrity

  • Courage backed by facts.

  • Innovative, ambitions and continuous improvement.

  • Defending human integrity is a core goal of CPL as well as

  • Social responsibility.


In furtherance of the foregoing to do the following:


1.3.1 Produce, publish and distribute a national newspaper (KIONGOZI) with an independent editorial policy representing the Catholic Church in Tanzania.

1.3.2 Provide a means to distribute other Catholic Material and publications as inserts to Kiongozi Newspaper.

1.3.3 Provide a means to distribute other information of value and interest to the society.

1.3.4 Kiongozi Newspaper is an important instrument of communication for Catholics and non Catholics as well. The Newspaper is encouraged to express the full range of opinion. Objectively and without any compromise to the Catholic doctrines.




The company used to have the following structure and governing body:


The Governing Council.

The Board of Directors.


2.1. The Governing Council (Permanent Council)


2.1.1. This is a supreme policy and regulations body composed of owners:


2.1.1. This is a supreme policy and regulations body composed of owners:

  1. T.E.C. President

  2. Bishop members of the Permanent Council.

  3. Head of the Communication Department and Management team.


2.1.2. The Functions of the Governing Council are:


i. To elect a Chairperson of the Board of Directors, for period of three years. Here the Bishop Chairman of the Communications Department is ipso fact the Chairman of the Board unless stipulated otherwise by the council.


ii. To appoint the Chief Editor of Kiongozi, who by virtue of his office used to be the Secretary to the Board of Directors during their meeting.


iii To deliberate and give direction to the Board on major policy issues.


iv. To carry-out any other business as tabled by the members of the TEC Plenary Assembly.





The Board advises and supervises the management of the company. The Board reports to the Governing council (CPL) of the Bishops Conference through the permanent council and liaises with Communication Department.


4.0. Duties and responsibilities of the Board:

4.1.1. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the overall management of the company. If shall be over seer of the Policy implementation as directed by the TEC Plenary Assembly.

4.1.2. The Board is to give advice on how to maximize returns/profit.

4.1.3. To supervise the implementation of policies, decisions and directives of TEC related to Catholic Publishers.

4.1.4. To review plans, programmes, budget and reports of Catholic Publishers Ltd and make recommendations to TEC.

4.1.5. To monitor and asses the management of CPL and the implementation of plans/programmes.

4.1.6. To advise TEC on contract or transactions to be entered by CPL.


5.0. The Members of the Board:


5.1. The Board is composed of ten (10) members.


i. The Bishop Chairman of Communication Department who is elected by the Plenary Assembly. He shall be the chairman of the Board.

ii. The Executive Secretary of Communication Department.

iii. The Editor in Chief of Kiongozi Newspaper.

iv. Seven representatives of Secular non governmental organizations with similar objectives, zeal and commitment with the CPL who are appointed by the permanent council.


6.0. The Tenure of the office:


The Tenure of the office for Board Members shall be three years and members are eligible for re-appointment. However for the Board Members who are ex-officio their Board Membership shall cause if one stops to work in respective office.




The Board shall have at least two meetings a year at the end of six (6) months.


The extraordinary meetings may be held only when there shall be a critical issue which cannot wait until the next ordinary meeting.


The extraordinary meeting shall be held after the approval of the Bishop Chairman. However member of the board can be consulted for advice at any time.


The Communications Department also works in partnership with other Catholic international Media Organization, and in particular it works in cooperation with:


The Pontifical council for social communication AND

International association of catholic media (SIGNIS)

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